As Funeral Directors we are continually looking to improve on how green we are. We regularly look at everything from our suppliers to our processes to ensure we are limiting our carbon footprint as best as we can. Because we promote a flexible, modern approach to funerals, we also give our families choice and let them know which funeral options might be from a more sustainable source or have less environmental impact over others. In giving people the choice, we have found that our greener funeral options are becoming more and more popular.
Whilst looking at ways to be more environmentally minded, we came up with the idea of planting trees. This is something done by lots of businesses nowadays and we felt we would like to get involved. However, rather than just planting a handful of trees once a year, it seemed right for us to recognise the memorial aspect of planting a tree when someone has died. A memorial tree is a beautiful, natural tribute that peacefully lives on for future generations to enjoy. Many families already choose to plant a tree themselves, perhaps in their garden or in certain permitted cemeteries; but not everybody has the option.
With this in mind Evergreen Funeral Services decided that from 1st January 2020 we will plant a tree in memory of every person whose funeral we conduct. By doing so we are not only recognising that person’s life, but we are helping to make the world a bit greener too.
Supporting a local cause that are actively planting trees in areas including our own was important for us to find. We are proud to be supporting the PATT Foundation who are doing that through various projects, including One Hull of a Forest. Hopefully in years to come, the families of those we have planted trees for, will be able to see the direct benefits of these trees in our own community.